Nirvana is a portrait, architectural, commercial and fashion photographer based in Mexico City who at her short age, is already a veteran in the photography world. With over 14 years of experience, she has been drawing from her own life story to create intricate and soulful pieces of art that bring out the most fantastic and timeless moments. Putting her entire passion into capturing stories that inspire with a sense of narration and storytelling.
Her clients, who mainly include the music, fashion, hospitality, and food industries, find perceptions of themselves through her work and strengthen their businesses from within by communicating more sharply and directly.
Passionate about photography, Nirvana provides through her skills extraordinaire digital tools that make moments immortal with photographs that become testaments that speak for an entire lifetime. Dedicated to creating real relationships with people around the world, she focuses on learning deeply about the people she works with, their profound desires, and even their generational background.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
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